Friday, April 30, 2010
Waleffarus, #12
#12 was born with a Spheal complex. Er, influence. Something. Her cheeks are white and poof out over two long dark tusks. She's happy to help open cans around the Clan kitchen. Otherwise she plays a lot of Hopscotch and watches Friends. She blushes a lot and doesn't talk much (she has a tusk lisp); of the Siblings she gets along best with Wissy (#11), Wink (#8), and Lil Pink (#10). Cakelet (#3) is convinced she's a crossbreed with a Spheal... which gets her rather upset. (To get him back she bit him once.)
Wissy, #11
Wissy, hatched Cleffa #11, is one of those bebe Pokemon that wander off during play time and come back with a Remorage or a Gyarados as a best friend/playmate. She doesn't shy away from anyone regardless of appearance -- meaning her brothers and sisters have to save her pretty regularly from suspicious types. She's a mini pro at basketball and is often seen wearing a horn that was once used as a Dunce cap. She thought it was so cool she stole it from the dunce at the time (Gobbledrop) and has worn it ever since.
Lil' Pink, #10
The 10th born is Lil' Pink. She's the most musical of the clan so far, and is always ushering everyone outside to dance when the moon's out. She isn't allowed to have any sugar, since it makes her all hyper and twitchy; she sees stars when she's had too much and'll float around the house like a little pink cloud. The first time she did this, when she landed she was given a little feather for her curl-bun. She whistles near constantly and enjoys grapes.
Lil' Blue, #9
Lil' Blue, #9, isn't as cute and innocent as she seems. She's been perfecting her Pound since day one out of the Daycare, and her Charm is something to be feared. As young as she is, she's a fierce fighter when it comes to her family, and doesn't take any fooling around. Her parents tend to have her help Puddlecake watch the others. She loves WWC and Twizzlers.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Wink, #8
Wink, #8, was born a bit prematurely due to Gobbledrop colliding with her egg a few clicks short of hatching, and as such is slightly smaller than the rest of her siblings. Still, she's is twice as jolly. She skips and jigs everywhere, and can often be found practicing dance moves in front of the TV. Hersch, #6, is particularly fond of her -- Wink is the only sister he shares his candy stash with. Her favorite pass-times, other than dancing, are napping face-down on sunny windowsills and making paper airplanes.
Gobbledrop, #7
Gobbledrop is something of a klutz, or possibly a maniac... certainly not lucky, as, being #7, the rest of the clan was hoping for. She enjoys spending her time attempting arts and crafts; when not shredding and stacking colored paper, she's running rampant around the house, screeching, and knocking things over. Cakelet (#3) and Watsonette (#4) have adopted her as their detective team bloodhound, since her sense of smell is fantastic. She loves gumdrops and Scoobydoo.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Hersch, #6
Hersch, sixth of the Cleffa Clan, isn't much of a talker. Hatched with little arms waving about and stubby legs kicking, he hit the ground wriggling and hasn't stopped since. Called Hersch due to his tendency to hoard chocolate and coins, he's begun building a chocolate empire within the clanhouse. He and Cakelet are rather close. When bribed with chocolate or coin, he goes along with his older brother and Watsonette to provide some extra Cleffa-power. He's also convinced there are secret passages in the house's walls.
Pookie, #5
Pookie, the fifth Cleffa babe, walks around everywhere with a squint. Whenever possible, she follows another pink puff about the house (usually Puddlecake)... because Pookie is extremely near sighted. She's often bumping into things and falling down stairs, and confusing inanimate objects (such as throw pillows and large dust bunnies) with other family members. As such, she's often seen piggy backing or holding hands with someone, and is often targeted by Foomfernee for cosmetic experiments.
Watsonette, #4
Watsonette was first discovered hatching by Cakelet, the resident Clefairy detective. Determined to have a side-kick and -- what with the Fourth Cleffa busting out of her egg right before his eyes, Cakelet finally had his opportunity. Much to Foomf (#2)'s horror, Cakelet dressed his little sister up in a pair of glasses and mustache... and she LIKED it. Squealing with joy, she took to the costume like a natural. She follows Cakelet around everywhere and tends to be the one investigating places Mom, Precious, would yell at them for daring see.
Cakelet, #3
Had he any choice, #3, Cakelet, would've been called Watson, instead. (He is currently lobbying for one of his future brothers to take the name.) That is, until he learned about Sherlock Holmes. Cakelet is a detective, always puttering about with a marker and his glued-on mustache, scribbling highly important clues (ones no one should have to rely on memory alone for) on the house's walls. Foomfernee (#2) finds him highly annoying ever since he started pilfering her makeup and using it to dust the living room and kitchen for paw prints; they don't get along very well.
Foomfernee, #2
Puddlecake, #1
Puddlecake, first born of Fancy Footwork's Clefairy tribe, is a tender-hearted pokemon well suited to the role of Older Sister. She bobs around the house, ribbons a-flopping this way and that, tending to her prolific parents' unhatched eggs and checking in on her brothers and sisters. Her favorite TV program is How Do I Look.
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